Test And Measurement Products
Synthesizer covers 50 MHz to 3.6 GHz (in specific bands) and is hermetically sealed for high-rel synthesizer applications...
Holzworth RF Synthesizers Multi-Channel Platform: HS9000 Series
Holzworth’s multi-channel RF synthesizer architecture is a complete success story. These compact, 1U high, 19in rack mountable chassis can be configured with up to 8 independently tunable channels. All integrated channels are 100% phase coherent. Holzworth has designed the multi-channel platform for integration of our HSM Series Single Channel Synthesizers to maximize channel-to-channel stability via a conductively cooled, fan-less enclosure.
Field Analyzer with Integrated PIM and Line Sweep Testing: MW82119B PIM Master™
This field analyzer combines a 40W, battery-operated PIM analyzer and a cable and antenna analyzer covering the 2 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range. It’s been designed for use in RF component testing, antenna testing, macro site cable system testing, and Distributed Antenna System (DAS) testing.
Prove Field Worthiness Of EW Systems With RF Sources And Receivers
Radar simulation systems (i.e., RF sources and/or receivers) must perform to an exacting minimum standard if they are to accurately prove the field worthiness of EW systems.
Millimeter Wave Phase Locked Synthesizer: PLS Series
Millitech’s millimeter wave phase locked synthesizers are ideal for use in test and instrumentation sources, as drivers for multipliers, as local oscillators for radar, radiometer, and telecommunications transmitters and receivers, and in PLDRO/YIG replacement applications. They feature low phase noise, ease of use, and a small size.
Octane Elite EDS System
The Octane Elite EDS System from EDAX Inc. incorporates a silicon nitride (Si3N4) window to provide low energy sensitivity for light element detection and low kV microanalysis. The system uses state of the art electronics designed to yield high speed X-ray data processing within a smaller and fully vacuum encapsulated detector device.
Fast, Low-Noise Digital Signal Generator: SGD
Aeroflex's SGD is a fast, low noise digital signal generator and is part of the Aeroflex S-Series of products. This generator is ideal for demanding, critical receiver measurement and rapid manufacturing, or for general purpose applications. It covers the 100 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range, features a fast settling time of 100 µs, and has a +13 dBm output with a +20 dBm option. Users have the option to design waveform files from simple generic or system specific templates as well as convert user designed waveforms into compatible formats with an embedded version of of IQCreator®, Aeroflex's powerful waveform creation tool. Waveforms designed in IQCreator® can include signal impairments and time markers to aid sychronization. Graphical displays of the waveform FFT, vector and constellation diagrams, etc. can be viewed and exported for use in other Windows™ applications.
3010 RF Synthesizer
The 3010 RF synthesizer module is an industry first for PXI. The 3010 is a high-performance frequency synthesizer covering the range 1.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
Pulsed RF Microwave Frequency Counter/Analyzer: CNT-90XL
This RF/Microwave frequency counter/analyzer can be used to measure, analyze, and calibrate microwave frequency, power, and pulsed RF time parameters like pulse width and PRI. This system features a graphical display and improved control over measurement.
Statistical Power Sensor: 7022
A signal’s average power isn’t a sufficient enough control variable for modern day communications. It’s still an important parameter, but today’s signals typically require more diagnostic measurements. Bird’s 7022 is a statistical power sensor that uses statistical sampling techniques to measure the percentage of time the signal exists at a specific peak-to-average ratio.