Antenna Kits
Constantly changing for today's dynamic environment, A.H. Systems presents the proven line of Antenna Kits. Designed to meet the needs of your various testing requirements.
A.H. Systems offers 16 different models of portable antenna kits, including biological antenna kits and tuned dipole sets. Each kit provides all the reliable antennas, current probes and accessories needed to satisfy a wide array of customer requirements.
The AK-HFR H-Field rods provides an accurate standard for magnetic field testing. For those situations when improved sensitivity is desired in magnetic field testing, the AK-HFR H-Field rod is an effective alternative to traditional loop antennas. One amplifier pre-assembled to a metallic ground plane covers the entire frequency range and can be used with any or all of the H-Field Rod Antennas.
D-TA offers the open-architecture MFEL-5000 as the most advanced and most cost effective ELINT solution in the market. The MFEL5000 uses dual antennas (OMNI & Spinner DF), dual receivers, and a large data storage server for multi-core software processing, recording, and analysis of signals of interests (SOIs).
HUBER+SUHNER develops and produces an extensive portfolio of directional and omni-directional antennas for a wide range of indoor and outdoor wireless connections. Among these antennas include Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) for indoor coverage of mobile communication voice and data traffic, antennas with low visual impact and high data-traffic, and many other antennas optimized for wireless transportation communications, WLAN, and WiFi applications.
The AK-571-4 Horn Antenna kit is the newest member of A.H. Systems family of antenna kits. This Antenna Kit provides a convenient solution for increased frequency requirements from 700 MHz to 40 GHz. As specifications include higher test frequency requirements so does the need for an accurate antenna solution. To help minimize any downtime the customer may be experiencing during testing we provide next-day, on-time delivery.
For rapid deployment along with the mobility of a small package, this Bilogical Antenna Kit provides an inexpensive solution to broadband applications.
Horizon Technologies offers the new FlyingFish™ Airborne Satellite Monitoring System (ASMS) designed to enable international government bodies to passively monitor satellite communications from airborne monitoring platforms. This lightweight, cost-effective system can monitor Thuraya, and Isat-Pro networks, and can detect and intercept terminal and call activity such as voice, fax, data, and SMS within radio line-of-site.