Log Amplifiers
This 50dB Detector Log Video Amplifier operates in the 500 MHz to 18.0 GHz frequency range and is offered in a small, 2.2” x 1.5” x 0.4” housing. Planar diode detectors and integrated video circuitry provide high speed performance and outstanding reliability. The log slope of this DLVA is 50mV/dB and has a log linearity error of less than ±0.5dB. The logging range is -40 to +5dBm with a maximum rise time of 20nsec, maximum settling time of 45nsec and a recovery time of 150nsec typical. Additional information can be found on the available outline drawing (link below).
These successive detection log video amplifiers cover the 1-20 GHz frequency range and are ideal for applications involving military and space, broadband test and measurement, ECM systems, power measurement and control circuits, DF radar systems, and EW, ELINT, and IFM receivers.
This successive detection log video amplifier operates in the 8-18 GHz frequency range. Its housing is hermetically sealed, ruggedized, and measures in at only 1.2"L x 0.85"W x 0.4"H.
This successive detection log video amplifier is ideal for applications involving ECM systems, power measurement and control circuits, military and space, DF radar systems, EW, ELINT, and IFM receivers, and more.