

Signal Hound’s BB60A combines a real-time spectrum analyzer and an RF recorder in a 7.63” x 3.19” x 1.19” package. This page will focus on the spectral analysis function of the device.

The NRA-2500 covers the 5 MHz to 2.5 GHz frequency range and is ideal for use as a starter model for satellite monitoring and control systems. It’s optimized for use in D-SNG vehicles, teleports, and in maritime applications.

Aaronia introduces the SPECTRAN V5 RSA remote-controlled real-time spectrum analyzer designed specifically for capturing even the shortest signal transmissions. The analyzer scans 20 GHz in less than 20 mS making it world’s fastest remote controllable spectrum analyzer. It is ideal for making fast and reliable measurements for applications such as spectrum monitoring, interference hunting, EMC testing or Wi-Fi and wireless network measurements.

Signal Hound introduces the new SM200A 20 GHz RF spectrum analyzer and monitoring receiver designed for applications ranging from IoT and 5G cellular, to military, aerospace, spectrum management, automotive, and radar. This instrument is optimized to lower the cost of entry to high-end spectrum analysis while delivering the high performance required for the most demanding environments.

Anritsu offers the ability make VNA measurements of devices under test (DUTs) stimulated with wideband modulated signals.  Utilizing the high speed IF digitizer option available in the VectorStar® series of VNAs, measurements can be made with up to 200 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth in the receiver. Universal Fixture Extraction (UFX) software option provides advanced de-embedding tools for test fixture extraction.

Rigol offers the RSA3000E Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer delivering operation from 9 kHz to 1.5/3.0 GHz. The integrated EMI pre-compliance option (RSA3000E-EMI) provides a complete solution allowing engineers to measure, compare, analyze, and report on EMI issues throughout their design process.

From Anritsu, the inventor of the handheld spectrum analyzer first introduced in 1999, we are proud to introduce our first generation MS2760A Spectrum Master – Ultraportable Spectrum Analyzer. By utilizing Anritsu’s patented shockline non-linear transmission line (NLTL) technology, the MS2760A shatters the cost, size, and performance barriers associated with traditional large form factor instruments to more efficiently advance technology development.

Anritsu’s Site Master™ S820E is the highest performance, rugged, hand-held microwave cable/antenna analyzer covering 1 MHz to 40 GHz range. Utilizing the latest advancements in NLTL technology, the S820E architecture enables benchtop performance in a portable package.