The MMIQ-30120H is a high linearity, passive GaAs MMIC IQ mixer. This is an ultra-broadband mixer spanning 30 to 120 GHz on the RF and LO ports with an IF from DC to 30 GHz.
The MM2A-0530HPSM is a broadband triple balanced mixer with an integrated broadband LO driver amplifier, ideal for applications with wide and overlapping bandwidths and operation through the K band.
The MM1-1886HCSP2 is a highly linear passive GaAs double balanced MMIC mixer suitable for both up and down-conversion applications.
The MMIQA-0626HPSM is a broadband IQ mixer with an integrated broadband LO driver amplifier that is ideal for IQ, single sideband, and image reject mixing applications with wide bandwidths.
The MMIQA-1040HPSM IQ mixer features an integrated broadband LO driver amplifier and is ideal for IQ, single sideband, and image reject mixing applications with wide bandwidths and mmWave operation.
The MM1-0626H is a passive double balanced MMIC mixer. It features excellent conversion loss, superior isolations and spurious performance across a broad bandwidth, in a highly miniaturized form factor.
The MM1A-0832HPSM is a versatile, robust, and broadband double-balanced mixer with an integrated broadband LO driver amplifier that is ideal for wide bandwidths and operation at mmWave frequencies.
The MM2-0530H is a passive MMIC triple balanced mixer. It features a broadband IF port that spans from 2 to 20 GHz, and has excellent spurious suppression.