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What Is The Pulse Envelope Of A Signal?
Explore the significance of analyzing a signal’s pulse envelope, an important metric utilized during pulsed signal analysis.
What Is Pulse Width?
Pulse width is one of several important characteristics used during pulsed signal analysis. Learn more about pulse width and its impact in this video.
What Are Pulsed RF Signals?
RF carrier waves are changed or modulated by some sort of signal that holds information. In this video, learn how a signal’s behavior changes when modified by a pulsed waveform.
How Do You Calculate Rise Time And Video Bandwidth?
Video bandwidth and rise time are inversely proportional. This video reveals the formula for calculating both parameters, supported by measurement examples.
How Does Limited Video Bandwidth Affect Power Measurements?
Video bandwidth describes the frequency range that which a sensor can track a signal’s fluctuation in envelope power. Discover the ways that limited video bandwidth can impact your application.
What Is The Video Bandwidth Of A Power Sensor?
Peak power sensors discharge rapidly when the RF amplitude drops, allowing quick rise times and wide video bandwidths. Learn more about the video bandwidth of a power sensor in this video.
What Is Rise Time?
Rise time is an important specification for peak power sensors. Discover how fast rise times can impact RF applications.
What Is Pulse Average Power?
RF and microwave power measurements are vital for product design and production. Explore measuring the pulse average power of a signal in pulsed RF applications.
What Is Average Power?
Learn how to measure the average power of a pulsed RF signal used in applications like wireless communications and radar.
What Is Peak Envelope Power?
What is being captured during a peak envelope power measurement? Learn what it means to measure the peak envelope power of a signal.