Exodus Advanced Communications, “Exodus” is a “Best-in-Class” SSPA manufacturer delivering products from 10kHz to beyond 51GHz. The company’s extremely ruggedized product line consists of LDMOS, GaN (HEMT) & GaAs devices where we manufacture significant quantities of our own devices. The company also uses clean-rooms for manufacturing the latest advancements in technology, designing and fabricating low, medium and high power amplifiers with Chip & Wire technology. The company has a very wide range of stand-alone modules, integrated amplifier chassis configurations, and full turn-key systems as needed to satisfy customers demanding the most reliable products available. Exodus Advanced Communications is a multinational RF communication equipment and engineering company serving commercial and government entities and their affiliates worldwide.

Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, the company utilizes its global network of Sales & Service partners to effectively support wide ranges of customer applications & requirements.

We bring decades of combined experience in the RF/Microwave field for many applications; including military jamming, communications, radar, EMI/EMC and various commercial projects designing, manufacturing and testing all of our HPA, MPA, and LNA products in-house. Our SSPA’s provide unprecedented reliability & performance and simplify EMC testing with the latest features for user-availability.

With our in-house engineering capabilities and fully equipped manufacturing facilities, Exodus Advanced Communications is committed to provide the best in RF products, leading in quality along with excellent lead times.



  • Explore how GaN RF amplifiers excel in high peak-to-average capability, offering improved efficiency and linearity over P1dB-rated amplifiers.

  • VSWR measures how efficiently RF power is transmitted through a load, with high VSWR indicating poor efficiency. Explore VSWR's relation to return loss, reflection coefficient, and mismatch loss.

  • Understanding pulse amplifiers is key to efficient performance in various applications. Explore essential terminology like duty cycle, pulse rate, and more to aid in optimizing amplifier use.

  • Power measurement is accomplished by using a high-power calibrated coupler or attenuator, which gets attached to the Amplifier RF output connector. Harmonics are recorded similarly by increasing the input drive from the signal source. 

  • Amplifiers are designed in many ways. We discuss in this application note the differences between the different classifications and what it means with respect to performance. 

  • VSWR happens from having an impedance mismatch between a source and a load. VSWR is not a hard concept to grasp, but its effects on the instrumentation can be more difficult to realize. 

  • The purpose and scope of this document is to explain amplifier power indication (metering) and typical variations associated with frequency sensitivity and bandwidth. Exodus amplifiers with our display/controller provide many monitoring and control functions. 


Exodus Advanced Communications

3674 E. Sunset Road, Suite 100

Las Vegas, NV 89120


Phone: 1-702-534-6564

Fax: 1-702-441-7016