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Demonstration of Full-Wave Matching Circuit Optimization in XFdtd
This video gives a demonstration of Full Wave Antenna Matching Circuit Optimization using XFdtd's Circuit Element Optimizer (CEO). The antenna matching circuit design flow is discussed, including CEO's analysis of a given PCB layout. Predicted S-parameters and optimal component value results for two different frequency bands are also shown.
Tuning A Microstrip Lens In Rotman Lens Designer (RLD) And Options For Importing To XFdtd
In this video, a Remcom engineer walks through the steps to set up and tune a Ku Band microstrip lens in Rotman Lens Designer (RLD). We populate the physical, electrical, and transmission line properties and analyze the performance of the lens by plotting the array factor and beam to array phase error. This data helps us to further tune the lens by adjusting the focal ratio and beam port excitation, and then we export the S-Parameters. Finally, we discuss the various options for exporting the file and importing into XFdtd EM Simulation Software, including the use of a customized script. The script import method automatically sets up the ports and also includes the material properties.
Introduction To MIMO Capability In Wireless InSite
Wireless InSite MIMO accurately predicts multipath between transmitting and receiving elements with precision and reveals key channel characteristics in a timely manner. With optimizations that minimize runtime and memory constraints, Wireless InSite efficiently simulates even the large arrays present in Massive MIMO systems. This webinar will walk through an indoor propagation example to demonstrate the Wireless InSite workflow with a special focus on the new MIMO capability.
XFdtd and Optenni Lab Integration for Matching Circuit Design
Remcom's XFdtd 3D EM simulator integrates with Optenni Lab for antenna matching circuit optimization. This brief video shows the highlights of the workflow and integration using a GPS and Bluetooth mobile device antenna.
Waveguide Ports In XFdtd
Remcom’s XFdtd® is 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Software. This video highlights its ability to work with waveguide ports and includes information on the software’s features, its waveguide interface types, and type of information it’s able to record, and more.
Wireless InSite Intro Series: Defining And Placing Receiver Sets
This video demonstrates the antenna sets within Wireless InSite and walks users through the available options. Users will also learn how to assemble an antenna set and choose their antenna pattern. The video also covers Wireless InSite's visualization tools, which allow the user to see how their antennas are oriented within the antenna set.
Wireless InSite Intro Series: Creating And Editing Indoor Floor Plans
This video introduces Wireless InSite's Floor Plan tools and shows the user how to create and edit an indoor environment. The demonstration includes the placement of walls, doorways, and windows, along with material selection from Wireless InSite's material database. In addition to the 2D floor plan editor, the video also demonstrates how to make edits within the 3D display.
Wind Turbines And Aircraft In The Presence Of Ground Clutter
This short animation shows predicted RCS from an air traffic control radar with an aircraft flying over a wind farm, before and after the static ground clutter (returns from terrain) are filtered out. A basic filter has then been applied to remove the portions of returns with 0-Doppler (static clutter from the ground and wind turbine towers) to approximate what a radar might see after attempting to filter out objects not in motion. Although actual radars have much more sophisticated signal processing, this basic before/after animation of RCS from subsequent scans shows the problem that standard Doppler filtering would encounter when processing returns from a wind farm.
Wireless InSite Intro Series: Advanced Floor Plan Editing
This video expands a basic floor plan design into a six-story office building. Wireless InSite's duplication tools make it easy to add levels and floors to the model. In addition, the creation of stairwells and a central glass atrium with a peaked roof are shown.
User Defined And Imported Antenna Patterns In Wireless InSite
This video explores Wireless InSite’s basic antenna functionality. Users will be introduced to several built-in antenna types and will also learn how to import their own user-defined antenna patterns. The video also showcases Wireless InSite's built in functionality for defining and visualizing antenna patterns within the software.