Products and Services
Power Meter - 8400 Series
The 8400 Series Mini-Power Meter is an inexpensive, portable and battery operated power measurement system. Consisting of the model 8441 power meter, the model 8440-01 extension cable and one or more of the 842X series of power mounts, this system allows accurate measurements at frequencies up to 26.5 GHz...
RF Survey Meters
RF Survey Meters from Narda Safety Test Solutions...
4421 Multifunction RF Power Meter
The "New and Improved" Bird® Model 4421 is a precision RF power meter that, while originally intended for general purpose laboratory applications where high accuracy is required, has found wide acceptance in semiconductor processing applications. The product is configured as a system, consisting of the Model 4421 digital display and a precision power sensor selected for the application based upon maximum power and operating frequency.
Boonton RF Power Meter: PMX40
The PMX40 power meter from Boonton provides design engineers and technicians the utility of a traditional benchtop instrument, the flexibility and performance of modern USB RF power sensors, and the simplicity of a multi-touch display built with Boonton award-winning technology.
Power Meter & Power Sensors
KRYTAR offers Low Cost Power Meters in the following frequency bandwidths...
Phase Noise Test System: N5511A
The N5511A Phase Noise Test System is a replacement for the “gold-standard” Keysight E5500 phase noise measurement system that can measure phase noise down to kT (-177 dBm/Hz at room temperature).
Broadband EM Field Meter: SM40G
The SM40G is a broadband EM Field Meter housed in a durable metal shell with an integrated temperature sensor and GPS unit, providing X, Y, and Z analog output. This meter uses ARLinkwARe software in order to display its measurements and data over the optical interface. It also allows the user to perform continuous monitoring activities, and to periodically store the measured values over more than 24 hours of recording time.
Narda's New NBM Series Of Meters And Probes
Narda has released the new NBM series of meters and probes. Based on years of market leadership and innovation, this new series features improved field probes and the NBM-550 meter with its incredible display, comprehensive software, and even optional GPS...
ELF/VLF Survey Meters
ELF/VLF Survey Meters from Narda Safety Test Solutions...
Power Meter And Noise Emitter
Power Meter And Noise Emitter