4 - 22 GHz MMIC 4-Way Wilkinson Power Divider/Power Splitter: MPD4-0422CSP2
The MPD4-0422CSP2 is a compact MMIC 4-Way Wilkinson power divider/power splitter designed to deliver high isolation in a small CSP2 chip scale package.
By employing a mix of lumped element and distributed circuit techniques, it significantly reduces its footprint compared to traditional printed PCB Wilkinson Power Divider/Combiner designs, while maintaining excellent performance at low frequencies.
This device serves as both an equal amplitude/phase power splitter and a power combiner with superior isolation. The MPD4-0422CSP2's tight fabrication tolerances minimize unit-to-unit variation, enhancing reliability and allowing for accurate simulations. These simulations can be performed using the provided S5P file, which is derived from measured production units.
The 2.5 mm CSP2 package design facilitates extreme miniaturization of the surface-mount technology (SMT) footprint, making the MPD4-0422CSP2 ideal for applications requiring low size, weight, and power (SWaP) solutions. This combination of compactness, precision, and high performance positions the MPD4-0422CSP2 as an excellent choice for modern, space-constrained electronic systems where efficiency and reliability are paramount.