
Dipole Antennas

Source: A.H. Systems

A.H. Systems offers a range of half wavelength resonant dipole antennas with operation frequencies between 25 MHz and 3 GHz as the foundation of every compliance testing lab. Ideal for site attenuation measurements, each antenna is manufactured with a balun loss of less than 0.5 dB and a VSWR ratio of less than 1.5:1.

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With a total of 6 Roberts dipole antennas, 5 VHF/UHF dipole antennas, and 8 sleeve dipole antennas, these instruments are the simplest form of antennas that are commonly used as a gain reference.

Roberts Dipole Antennas

Model Frequency Range Description
TDS-535 25 MHz - 1000 MHz FCC Balun Design, Single Set
TDS-535-2 25 MHz - 1000 MHz FCC Balun Design, Double Set
FCC-1 25 MHz - 70 MHz Dipole Antenna
FCC-2 65 MHz - 180 MHz Dipole Antenna
FCC-3 170 MHz - 340 MHz Dipole Antenna
FCC-4 325 MHz - 1000 MHz Dipole Antenna

VHF / UHF Dipole Antennas

Model Frequency Range Description
TDS-536 50 MHz - 220 MHz
325 MHz - 1000 MHz
TV Dipole Set
TV-1 50 MHz - 220 MHz Dipole Antenna
TV-2 325 MHz - 1000 MHz Dipole Antenna
SAS-530 160 MHz - 500 MHz Broadband Dipole
SAS-530H 160 MHz - 500 MHz Broadband Dipole, 300 Watts

Sleeve Dipole Antennas

Model Center Frequency Frequency Range
SDA-900 900 MHz 880 - 920 MHz
SDA-915 915 MHz 890 - 940 MHz
SDA-1270 1270 MHz 1230 - 1320 MHz
SDA-1440 1440 MHz 1390 - 1500 MHz
SDA-1575 1575 MHz 1525 - 1625 MHz
SDA-1750 1750 MHz 1700 - 1800 MHz
SDA-1950 1950 MHz 1880 - 2010 MHz
SDA-2450 245 MHz 2325 - 2575 MHz