Medical Application Notes
The Role Of Sensing Technologies In Delivering Personalized Patient Care
Advancements in sensing technologies revolutionize individualized healthcare, from wearables to implantables. Explore key areas where sensors are reshaping personalized care.
Microwave Office® Software Improves Heart Condition Treatment
Meridian Medical Systems develops products that use microwave energy to generate heat, measure radiation and motion, and monitor and maintain the temperature of blood and other fluids. This application note discusses how AWR Microwave Office’s design software was recently used to develop an accurate feedback mechanism for cardiac arrhythmia.
Modeling The Specific Absorption Rate Distribution Of A Smartphone
This application models the specific absorption rate (SAR) distribution in a human head, heart, and body exposed to an electromagnetic field emitted from a handheld cellular phone operating in GSM (900 MHz and 1,800 MHz) and GPS range in a partially closed environment. In the modeling, SAM Phantom IEEE model and a realistic human head and body are used to investigate both the local and average SAR of 1 g and 10 g tissue.
Medical Applications Guide
This download contains information on Texas Instruments’ ability work in applications involving the consumer medical, medical imaging, medical instrumentation, connectivity solutions, and diagnostic, patient monitoring, and therapy market segments within the medical field.
Signal Switching for Medical Device Testing App Note
Maintaining signal integrity is critical in medical device testing and characterization. The signal's shape, as well as its frequency, amplitude and other electrical parameters must be preserved for accurate measurement and evaluation.
Application Note: Radio Frequency Interference In Hospitals
Hospitals are replete with sources of interference and many applications that require the ultimate in reliability to assure patient safety. Patient telemetry systems, cellular telephones, bluetooth devices, security radio systems, police and paramedic radios, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, cordless telephone systems, light dimmers, fax machines, floor buffers, elevators, elevator controls, nearby cellular base stations, broadcast transmitters, and ultrasound systems all contribute to the harsh RF environment in hospitals.
Application Note: Nardalert S3 Refines Role Of Personal RF And Microwave Safety Monitors
Narda Microwave, which 20 years ago introduced the first wearable non-ionizing radiation (NIR) monitor, has continually updated and expanded its products with greater precision and other new features. The new Nardalert S3 is the company’s most ambitious effort by far.
Practical Tips On Measuring Interference
By utilizing the ISM (Industrial-Scientific-Medical) frequency bands, the wireless industry has been able to exploit the increasing popularity of unlicensed communication systems. However, their unlicensed nature carries with it the seeds of serious signal interference problems. Such ISM system designs are type-approved but are then installed by unlicensed owners or contractors. These conditions sometimes lead to signal configurations that unintentionally interfere. The objective of this article is to present measurement tips and procedures which will help a field technician measure signal interference in operating communications systems. By Anritsu Company