The Surprising Ways MMIC Filters Are Enabling The Development Of Next Generation Systems
Explore key metrics for modern competitive filter technology achieved through GaAs MMIC process, the capabilities of MMIC filters, and a companion design tool, enabling fast and accurate development.
A Novel Multi-Octave Differential Power Divider
Explore the innovative design of a multi-octave differential power divider circuit based on a groundbreaking Magic-T circuit that features a balun and two parallel coupled transmission lines.
IQ, IR, And Single Sideband Mixer Primer
This application note introduces IQ, single sideband (SSB), and image reject (IR) mixers in both theory and practice. We will discuss basic applications, their concepts, and practical considerations in their selection and use.
Baluns Basics Primer: A Tutorial on Baluns, Balun Transformers, Magic-Ts, and 180° Hybrids
Baluns have long been ubiquitous in low frequency audio, video, and antenna driving applications. The need for high speed, low noise data transfer has driven the advancement of the balun to higher frequencies and superior performance.
Mixer Basics Primer: A Tutorial For RF & Microwave Mixers
This Mixer Basics Primer intends to shed light on the “dark art” of microwave mixers to help customers better understand, select, and ultimately use Marki Microwave mixers.
Directivity And VSWR Measurements: Understanding Return Loss Measurements
The characterization of microwave networks requires discriminating between forward and backward traveling waves. Unfortunately no directional device is perfect, leading to potentially dramatic measurement errors. In this note we show that return loss and VSWR measurements are greatly complicated by the finite performance of the directional device used to measure the reflected power.