Power Amplifier: QPA2513
Source: Qorvo

The QPA2513 is a 2-stage S-Band internally matched GaN Power Amplifier Module. The QPA2513 operates at pulsed RF CW in frequency range 3.1 -3.5 GHz providing typically 51dBm of saturated output power with 30dB of large-signal gain and 62% of power added efficiency.
The QPA2513 is matched to 50 Ohms with integrated bias circuits and DC blocking capacitor at input port. The QPA2513 in a SMD package that provides good thermal properties and ideal for use in both commercial and military radar systems.
Additional Features Include:
- Operating Frequency Range: 3.1 - 3.5 GHz
- Saturated Output Power PSAT: 51dBm
- Power Added Efficiency at PSAT: 62%
- Large Signal Gain at PSAT: 30.4 dB
- Bias: VDS1,2=+50V, IDQ1=36mA, IDQ2=192mA
- Package Type: SMD
- Package Dimensions: 25.0 x 12.5 x 3.488 mm
For more information on this product, download the available datasheet.
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