News | July 13, 2021

MVG, KT And NI Partner On A New Generation CATR Radar Test System

Pursuing its commitment to deliver innovative and time-saving RF measurement solutions for product research and development, MVG is glad to offer its expertise and vision in support of the advancement of the autonomous car and road safety.

To meet the new challenges of next generation in-vehicle radar technologies, Microwave Vision Group is partnering with Konrad Technologies and NI to develop a Compact Antenna Test Range system integrating KT Vehicle Radar Test System designed on an NI platform.

The MVG KT CATR RTS is a fully integrated solution for validation and production test applications. This integrated solution efficiently performs accurate radio frequency measurements for automotive radar sensors in the quiet zone of an accessible and portable CATR system that has already proven its worth for high frequency antenna measurements. The MVG CATR technology is the result of many years of experience in the design and development of innovative antenna measurement solutions. It is part of our Little Big Lab offer. It reflects MVG's expertise in building compact systems that allow for cost effective and accurate measurements in a controlled environment. MVG's reflector technology and positioner specially developed to accommodate automotive radar sensors combined with KT's Radar Test System makes the MVG KT CATR RTS the ideal solution for efficient measurement of high-resolution, long-range radar sensors.

Source: MVG