Millimeter Wave High Power Amplifiers
Source: dB Control

These Millimeter-Wave High Power Amplifier (HPA) solutions, including Q-Band, V-Band, E-Band, and W-Band solutions, are designed to serve customers in ECM, EW, radar, datalink and SatCom markets.
Here are some Millimeter Wave TWTA and MPM solutions:
- dB-3201 Microwave Power Module
- 26.5 – 40.0 GHz, 125 W, pulsed to CW Power Output
- Conduction Cooled
- Compact, Lightweight
- Applications: Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and Electronic Warfare (EW) simulation
- dB-3202 Microwave Power Module
- 27.5 – 31.0 GHz, 200 W, CW Power Output
- Conduction Cooled
- Compact, Lightweight
- Applications: Datalink Communications
- dB-3201H Microwave Power Module
- Gain at rated power: 51 dB
- Noise power density: -20 dBm/mHz max
- Input VSWR: 2.5:1 max
- Output VSWR: 2.5:1 max
- RF Input Type K, 2.9mm, (F) and RF Output WR-28 Waveguide
- Operating temperature range: -40°C to +75°C (base plate)
- Operating humidity: up to 95% RH non-condensing
- dB-3861 TWT Amplifier
- 32.0 to 36.0 GHz, 400 W Peak Power Output, 25% Duty Cycle
- Rack Mount Configuration
- Applications: Radars and Electronic Warfare (EW) simulation
- dB-3860 TWT Amplifier
- 34.5 to 35.5 GHz, 700 W Peak Power Output, 10% Duty Cycle
- Rack Mount Configuration
- Applications: Radars
- dB-3709I TWT Amplifier
- 34.5 to 35.5 GHz, 700 W Peak Output Power, 10% Duty Cycle
- Hub Mount Configuration
- Applications: Radars
- dB-3205 Microwave Power Module
- Millimeter Wave MPM
- 43.5 to 45.5 GHz, 80 W, CW
- Excellent reliability
- Applications: Datalink
Q-Band, V-Band, E-Band as well as up to W-Band solutions are not pipe dreams anymore. Please feel free to contact us for more information at or call us at 510-656-2325.
For more information on the amplifier features and specifications, download the datasheets.
dB Control
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