Newsletter | September 18, 2024

09.18.24 -- Mastering Antenna Fundamentals for RF Testing

The Importance Of Antenna Beamwidth In RF Testing

Understanding antenna beamwidth and how it influences a test environment is critical to accurate and repeatable tests. This article defines antenna beamwidth, explores the antenna beamwidth properties and explains it's importance for compliance testing.


Understanding Antenna Gain, Beamwidth, And Directivity

Antenna gain is a performance indicator gauged in comparison to a reference source. This article explains antenna gain and dispels some of the misconceptions surrounding this valuable metric.


Practical Overview Of Antenna Parameters

There are a variety of standardized methods for describing antenna parameters, and this article aims to provide an overview of key antenna parameters and relevant background.


A Simple Guide To Antenna Selection

This guide discusses special considerations that are sometimes required in antenna design typically at very high and very low frequencies.


Understanding And Implementing RF Current Probes

Current probes generate and measure RF currents, combining great diagnostic utility with ease of use. However, a basic knowledge of these devices is necessary to maximize their effectiveness.