News | September 25, 2014

Increase Transponder Use Will Enable Growth In The Global Fixed Satellite Service Market From 2014 To 2018

satellite service

An FSS is a type of satellite service that uses geosynchronous satellites for broadcasting purposes such as TV and radio, telecommunications and satellite communication used by government and military organizations. The satellites used for FSS have a low power output and they require larger dish-style antennas for reception.

The Global FSS market is expected to see steady growth at a CAGR of 5.48 percent during the forecast period.

The latest report available on ASDReports focuses on the increased demand for TV and video transponders, with more than 59 percent of transponders employed by content providers and broadcasters. The report also highlights the significant increase in utilization rate of transponders. Government agencies, media agencies and network operators are some of the key end users highlighted in this report.

“An increase in the utilization rate of transponders is one of the major trends that has been witnessed in this market. Because of government regulations and market consolidation, the capacity of C-band Ku-band is expected to decline by three percent during the forecast period. Hence, the transponder use of existing satellites will increase significantly,” says Faisal Ghaus, Vice President of TechNavio.
