1 - 6 GHz High Linearity Gain Block Amplifiers: QPA9126 And QPA9127

Qorvo’s QPA9126 is a high linearity gain block amplifier providing very flat gain across a broad range of frequencies with the integration of a shut-down biasing capability to allow for operation for TDD applications. At 3.5 GHz, the QPA9126 amplifier provides 16 dB gain, +35.5 dBm OIP3 and 1.4 dB noise figure while drawing 70 mA current from a 5V supply. The QPA9127 amplifier provides 20 dB gain, +35.5 dBm OIP3 and 1.4 dB noise figure while drawing 70 mA current from a 5V supply at 3.5 GHz.
The QPA9126 and QPA9127 feature low noise figure and high linearity performance permiting both receiver and transmitter chains for high performance systems. The internal active bias circuit also enables stable operation over bias and temperature variations and can be biased from a single positive supply ranging from +3.3 to +5 volts. The amplifiers are internally matched using a high-performance E-pHEMT process and is housed in a small 2 x 2 mm surface-mount package.
For additional features and specifications on the QPA9126 and QPA9127, download the available datasheets.