High Efficiency Pulsed Microwave Power Module (MPM): dB-3756HE And dB-3758HE
Source: dB Control

The dB-3756HE and dB-3758HE high-efficiency pulsed microwave power modules (MPM) operates in the 9 to 10 GHz frequency range and provides 1 kW peak power at 20% maximum duty cycle.
The dB-3756HE features a high-voltage power supply (HVPS) section using modular architecture and low-noise power supply topology, utilizing high-efficiency, solid state power conversion circuits. A highly stable, solid state modulator pulses the TWT grid. The conduction-cooled dB-3756HE MPM operates with +28 VDC prime power (optional 270 VDC). The dB-3758HE is the integrated forced air cooled MPM.
dB-3756HE and dB-3758HE features include:
- 9.0 – 10.0 GHz
- High Efficiency
- 1kW Pulsed
- 20% Duty Cycle
- Airborne Operation up to 50,000 Feet Above Sea Level
- Compact, Lightweight and Conduction Cooled with Forced Air Cooling Option
For additional information on the dB-3756HE and dB-3758HE, download the datasheets.
dB Control
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