GaN Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA): QPB1024

An excellent alternative to traveling wave tube amplifiers, Qorvo’s Spatium QPB1024 is a solid state, spatialcombining amplifier with an operating range of 8.0 – 11.0 GHz while achieving greater than 57 dBm (500 Watts) of instantaneous saturated power.
With its maximum performance in output power, gain, efficiency, and power flatness, this Spatium is the ideal building block for microwave high power transmitters for military and commercial applications. Liquid cooling capability provides excellent thermal management and reliable operation.
Qorvo’s patented and field-proven Spatium combining technology provides unprecedented Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA) performance in a rugged, compact size and weight which reduces total cost of ownership compared to alternative technologies. This product offering combines Qorvo’s market leadership in GaN technology and wideband MMIC design, along with our high-count combining techniques, for a best in class solution to power amplification.