DC-40 GHz Distributed Amplifier: CMD242
Source: Qorvo

The CMD242 is a wideband GaAs MMIC distributed low noise amplifier die that is designed for use in applications operating from DC to 40 GHz. Features include ultra-wideband performance, low current consumption, excellent return losses, and a small die size.
The CMD242 amplifier delivers greater than 10.5 dB of gain with a corresponding noise figure of 4.4 dB and output 1 dB compression point of 18.0 dBm at 20 GHz. The CMD242 is a 50-ohm matched design which eliminates the need for RF port matching. The CMD242 offers full passivation for increased reliability and moisture protection.
For more in-depth information on the CMD242 distributed amplifier, download the available datasheet.
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