News | February 20, 2014

UltraSource Announces UltraFast- Rapid Prototyping Program


As designers of the next generation of wireless, telecommunications, and RF/microwave products, you know time is the enemy. Enter UltraFAST, the first and only thin film prototyping program of its kind. Rather than waiting weeks or months for your critical prototypes, UltraSource is fabricating them in a matter of days—cutting your time to market as you hone your designs to perfection.

In 2010, in order to meet the ongoing challenge of aggressive deliveries being requested by our customers, we created a streamlined engineering and manufacturing system specially designed to build quick-turn thin film prototypes. The program has been wildly successful for our customers and we offer many custom options all with rapid deliveries. Try our UltraFAST system and you'll be achieving results faster than ever before and allowing yourself to move on to other challenges. UltraFAST is designed to offer a wide range of customized thin film features that include many substrate choices, metalization systems, and integration options that will allow you to further increase device function and performance while reducing time to market.

Source: UltraSource