Online Newsletter Alert - Why are my images being blocked?

Online Newsletters with images t



As the leading online provider of news and product updates for your industry, we are concerned that you may be experiencing some difficulties viewing the images in our newsletter. In a growing effort to protect email recipients from unwanted spam, the major email clients have begun blocking the display of images in HTML email by default. This was a major way spammers were able to identify a valid email address.

Although we applaud all efforts to curb the growing volume of unwanted spam, these new anti-spam measures can also disrupt the display of legitimate, subscribed-to email newsletters such as our own.

Fortunately, there is a simple fix. Below you'll find the steps required from the major email clients to display the images in our newsletter and restore any formatting issues you may have been experiencing.

We hope that by taking these simple steps, you will once again be able to enjoy the full benefits of the most up-to-date newsletter for your industry. 




After logging into your Yahoo Mail:

1. Click the "Mail Options" link, located in the upper-right corner of the page.

2. Click the "SPAM Protection" link.

3. Scroll to the Messages section and check the box next to " Block images in messages that SpamGuard thinks are spam."



When viewing an email message with blocked images, a message box will be displayed at the top of the email:


NOTE: Hotmail has disabled some of the content of this message for your protection (more information). Enable all message content (once) | Never disable content from this sender




Clicking on "Never disable content from this sender" will turn on images for the current and subsequent Newsletters from us.


When viewing an email message with blocked images, a message box will be displayed at the top of the email that reads, "External images are not being displayed." Clicking on the blue "Display Images Below" link will turn on images for our current and all subsequent newsletters.

Outlook Express
If Outlook Express has blocked images or other content that you wish to view, simply click on the InfoBar at the top of the message body. If you wish to disable the block completely, and thus risk spammers verifying your email address, click Tools| Options| Security and clear the check box for Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail.

To stop automatic blocking, do one of the following:

On a per-message basis

  • In the open message, click the InfoBar or right-click one of the blocked items.
  • On the InfoBar menu, or on the shortcut menu, click Download Pictures.

For all HTML messages

  • On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Security tab.
  • Under Download Pictures, click Change Automatic Download Settings.
  • Clear the "Don't download pictures or other content automatically in HTML e-mail" check box.
  • Click OK twice.

For all messages from a specific e-mail address or domain

  • In the open message, right-click one of the blocked items.
  • On the shortcut menu, click Add Sender to Safe Senders List or Add the Domain @*domain* to Safe Senders List.

On the AOL® toolbar, click Settings. Click the Index tab and then click Spam Controls from the alphabetical list. From the drop-down list at the top of the window, select the screen name that you wish to prevent from receiving pictures and files.

Click the Edit button next to Content Filter. Make sure the check box next to "Block messages containing pictures or files" is not checked.

In the Contents Filter window, click Save. Click Save again.