
Electromagnetic Solutions For Medical Applications And Biomedical Devices

Source: Remcom, Inc.

Ensuring that all new biomedical devices meet regulatory and certification requirements is a necessity. Remcom's tools can greatly speed the design and certification process by allowing realistic simulations of the device performance before the costly prototyping stage. Analysis options available are for device performance such as tuning and bio-interaction including SAR. Realistic, poseable human body models are available in addition to CAD-based phantom models.

Remcom specializes in a variety of Bio/EM analysis areas including:

  • Imaging Devices including MRI coil design and tuning, SAR and field analysis
  • Implantable Devices (pacemakers, diagnostic equipment)
  • Field Exposure from radiating sources (cell phones and other antennas)
  • Human Models and Phantoms
  • Regulation/Certification


XFdtd® Bio-Pro for Calculation of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

Bio-Pro is a specialty version of XF that provides accurate prediction of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological tissues. Other key features include:

  • Calculation of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) including whole body, 1 gram, and 10 gram averages.
  • Biological Thermal Sensor
  • VariPose Mesh Repositioning
  • MATLAB® Export Functionality
  • Birdcage Tool
  • Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)
  • MR-related Output Types (MR Transmit Efficiency and Approximate MR Image)

XFdtd Bio-Pro provides for automatic stepping through the geometry of false color displays of the field and SAR intensities. Surface currents, on the surface of a cell phone for example, are automatically calculated and displayed. The FDTD method is recognized as the best approach for making these calculations. In addition, XFdtd has been extensively validated for Bio-EM calculations including prediction of SAR levels.

Many Bio-EM calculations can be made with XFdtd using its built-in geometry modeler to generate the desired geometry. For cell phones the SAM head is often used, and XFdtd quickly meshes this geometry from CAD files that are provided free of charge.

High Fidelity Human and Animal Meshes

If greater precision in the human body mesh is required, Remcom offers high fidelity human meshes for both full body and head/shoulders regions. These meshes offer unparalleled precision, with an astonishing level of detail, particularly useful for designing implantable devices or in any design situation where anatomical accuracy is crucial.

  • High Fidelity Male Head/Shoulders Mesh
  • High Fidelity Male Body Mesh
  • High Fidelity Female Body Mesh

All three high fidelity meshes include the capability to automatically adjust the permittivity and conductivity of the tissues for any specified frequency between 1 MHz and 20 GHz, saving the user the tedious effort of typing in these parameters for each tissue type in the mesh as the frequency of interest changes. In addition to automatically providing single-frequency tissue parameters, the human head and both human body meshes also have the ability to make ultra-wide-bandwidth (UWB) calculations for transient electromagnetic fields.

Remcom also offers complimentary animal meshes for a goat, a monkey, and a rat.

Contact Remcom for additional information and to obtain the meshes.



Remcom’s VariPose product is a special purpose software tool that repositions the voxels of the Male Visible Human mesh including internal anatomical structures. The body can be posed in realistic positions depending on the specific user application. The repositioned meshes are important in various bio-electromagnetic calculations including MRI, automotive, and body-worn communication devices including cell phones, wireless laptop, and blue tooth devices.

Visit Remcom’s complete VariPose product page.


Click Here To Download:
• Case Study: How Remcom Consulting Helped ReGear Release a New Product to Market
• Case Study: MRI Coil Improvement for Cardiac Imaging in Mice
• Video: Constructing an MRI Birdcage Coil in XFdtd 7.0
• Case Study: Electromagnetic Simulation Cuts Time to Develop New MRI Coil by Two-thirds
• Case Study: MRI Birdcage-Type Coil at 64 MHz
• Application Note: Electromagnetic Simulation Helps Design Next Generation of MRI Equipment

• White Paper: Electromagnetic Simulation Aids Development of Unique EEG Cap