
CPI Ka-Band: B3KO-A

CPI SMP B3KOA Left relogoed clip 1

The CPI 40 Ka-band provides up to 20 watts of linear power over any 2 GHz within the 27.5 - 31.0 GHz frequency range. An optional 1, 2, or 3 LO BUC is available to provide 500 - 1000 MHz, software switchable, within this band.

This product is perfect for Satcom on the Move, VSATs, and antenna-mount applications. It meets Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU to satisfy worldwide requirements and is CE-marked.

Additional Options Include:

•Multiplexed 10 MHz reference
•Multi-band BUC: select from multiple factory-set frequency bands within Ka-band
•1 RU remote control
•10/50 MHz external reference auto-detect
•AC option (requires external AC converter model 7581B

For more information, download the available datasheet.

CPI Electron Device Business