
Pentek Flexor Family

Source: Mercury Systems, Inc.
Pentek Flexor Family

The Flexor® line of FMC analog modules and OnyxFX™ FMC carrier boards combines the high performance of the Virtex-7 FPGA with the flexibility of the FMC data converter thereby creating a complete radar and software radio solution. As a FlexorSet® integrated solution, the analog I/O FMC is factory-installed on the FMC carrier. The required FPGA IP is installed, and the board set is delivered ready for immediate use.

The delivered FlexorSet is a multichannel, high-speed data converter and is suitable for connection to the HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. The built-in data capture and generator features a Gen. 3 x8 PCIe interface to make them turnkey solutions.

For additional information on the Flexor® line of FMC analog modules and OnyxFX™ FMC carrier boards, download the product brochure (page 7).