
RCS Prediction And Measurement

Source: IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.

The radar cross section (RCS) signature of a modern naval vessel must be taken into account during its design process to ensure that a ship is able to successfully perform its mission while maintaining its level of survivability while keeping its crew members safe. The IDS Naval Division and Laboratory design and test RCS systems including both RCS measurement and prediction systems with integrated solutions in response to growing market demands.

The IDS Naval Division delivers complete RCS prediction and measurement services carried out with in-house technical resources and project management based on the evaluation of RCS diagrams, radar images, and hot spot structures. IDS also makes available Ship EDF-RCS software designed to provide a single environment for tasks required for performing tasks such as structure and material modeling, simulation task management, and result post processing.

Download the available brochure for much more capabilities and features on the IDS RCS prediction and measurement Ship EDF-RCS system.