
Passive Waveguide Simulation Software

Source: SPEAG (Schmid & Partner Engineering AG)

SPEAG's latest release of SEMCAD X introduces a new solver based on the Mode Matching Technique for the accurate and fast simulation of passive waveguide structures. The new solver has been integrated into the existing SEMCAD X framework to solve complex EM challenges in microwave industry. Together with the EM and Thermal solvers, SEMCAD X Microwave can be successfully applied to a wide variety of electromagnetic problems ranging from microwave devices, EMC, optics, to bio-medical applications.

SEMCAD X Passive Waveguide Simulation Software is ideal for applications involving waveguide transformers, high performance filters, multiplexers, polarizers, ortho-mode transducers, and more. Additional information on other areas of application, key features, and specifications can be found on the available datasheet.